
Why Cheapest?!

I've always had this amazing gift of find the cheapest most inexpensive things.
When we were teenage we use to take family shopping trips. My mom would give me and my sisters the same amount of money to spend in whatever we wanted.
At the end, Maya would leave with a few, expensive, stylish things... the fashionista.
Melina would find the strangest things, her bag was filled with "peter pan shoes", an antique instant photocamara (not working, off course), and some interesting pieces of clothing...the eccentric.
Me, oh my, always had to include in my shopping list an extra bag. I had to pack shoes, pants, shirts by the dozen, and believe me, nobody would have guessed we had spent the same amount of money.

Having now a family, I have come to really appreciate the great mix of my frugality and sense of style. It is an act of perfect balance and good eye. I won't allow myself to look like a Walmart model, although I might find there some interesting pieces.

I have decided to write down a guide to achive the perfect balance. I also urge you to post questions and pictures, together we can hack the cheapest clothes from any stores and make it look like we just stepped out of Barney's.

My most important rules:

1- NEVER consider price more important than fit, NEVER!!!!!!!!
2- Learn what's a good fit for you (so you can apply the first rule). I can help you with that.
3- Don't buy brands, buy looks.
4-When I say cheap, I mean it!!!!!
I consider cheap: Pants for less that $20.
t-shirts for $5-7.
Dresses for less than $20.
5- EVERYTHING needs to be accesorized, it could be only earrings, or tons of things, but it needs to be the right accesories.

The beggining

There are some "Marthas" in this world that are organized, good mothers, beautiful and fit. They could teach others about cooking, gardening, entertaining and parenting.

Well... I am not one of those...

I had never imagined I would find myself writing a blog.
Honestly, I never thought I had much to share, but this summer
of 2009 is turning out to be a very different one.

To begin with, I am home with my wonderful two kids and have time to think about my life.

I have also realized that I love/HATE those magazines (to which I am hooked up), that give "cheap" advice, that I still can't or don't want to afford. Easy recipes that never come out right and all sorts of advice that just makes me feel like some sort of half-functioning woman. On the contrary, I know I am a smart, fun and driven girl.

So, I have decided to make some important changes, starting NOW. For once, I will feel and look my best, and I will enjoy my life.

Actually, it just popped into my mind that we shouldn't need to make changes, but we can always improve. So let's name the list:


1.- Get thinner and fitter!!!!!!!!!
2.- Find more peace, and learn to have PATIENCE.
3.- Look better, no matter the occasion.
4.- Become savvy financially.
5.- Find real purpose in my life.

I think this is a great beginning. I am sure that prioritizing is a good idea. I do not want to feel overwhelmed and give up, I've done it too many times before, but right now, let's wait and see how this plays up.

As for you, please feel free to send a comment with your "ideal improvements" list.

Best of luck to all of us!